The whole content of the repos.janfla.slask.pl was moved to the new place: janfla.slask.pl/repos
The whole content of the repos.janfla.slask.pl was moved to the new place: janfla.slask.pl/repos
After few years of using Nextcloud service running as LXC container on my Proxmox server it is time to check its condition and apply some improvements to make Nextcloud working faster. In this short article you can see how do I changed some settings to make Nextcloud more responsible especially when playing stored video files.
OpenWrt is an alternative software for routers. In 2021 the OpenWrt team released the 21.02 version. In this short article you will find some useful information how to build the OpenWrt image for TP-LINK TD-W8970v1 router with modified SPI flash.
The AUR repositories was refreshed. If you will any notices, feel free to contact me.
Booting the Raspberry Pi from the network (aka PXE boot) allows you to use this small computer without the microSD memory card or the external flash drive connected to the USB port. In the internet you can find information how to boot the Raspberry Pi with PXE boot and NFS. In this article you will… Read more Boot Raspberry Pi 4 from net
In some of environments there it is required to run the HTTPS and OpenVPN server on the port 443. For servers with a few assigned public IP addresses it is much easier then with the server with only one public IP address. There are some methods to use both OpenVPN and HTTPS traffic on the… Read more OpenVPN server behind the load balancer
Running OpenVPN instance in the LXC container under Proxmox is quite easy. The OpenVPN can be used to connect LAN networks, access the resources (even behind the NAT) or can be used for forwarding whole traffic via OpenVPN server. In this article you will find information how to set up the OpenVPN server on Debian… Read more OpenVPN in Proxmox container
On the dedicated server it is possible to run multiple virtual machines and assign one job/function per virtual machine. For example on the first machine is running the OpenVPN server, on the second machine the webserver with main web page, on the third machine another webserver with hosted files etc. There are some tools for… Read more Proxmox and HAProxy
If you are working with the SPI slash chips, you need the proper programmer. There are some programmers which can be used for working with SPI, BIOS and other chips. In this article you will find the information how to run the MiniPro software with graphical interface known from Windows on Linux.
Everyone that have/had the TP-LINK TD-W8970v1 router with installed OpenWrt noticed that there is about 2MB (with installed LuCI) of free space to install additional packages for extending router functions. It is possible to extend the memory with extroot method but there is another method to extend the internal memory: replacing the SPI flash. After replacing… Read more TP-LINK TD-W8970v1 16M mod